
Unterschied in der Professorenberufung zwischen Deutschland und Amerika

4 September 2009

Der amerikanische Prof. David Jaeger, jetzt an der Uni Köln, plaudert (auf englisch) aus dem Nähkästchen über die Unterschiede der Professorenberufung in beiden Ländern. Dabei ist er erfrischend offen und ehrlich, gerade auch was die Gehaltsverhandlungen angeht, was in Deutschland ja immer ein heikles Thema ist, denn über Geld spricht man nicht. Für jemanden aus dem Bereich der Universität sicherlich eine interessante Lektüre. Ein Auszug:

There is a bit of a distinction between the standard US curriculum vitae and a German Lebenslauf, too. My impression has always been that a CV should be relatively brief, devoid of (too much) puffery. The typical German Lebenslauf, however, will list everything that an academic has done during their career, more or less since high school. Brevity is not an asset. Indeed, I am convinced that substantially more weight is placed on the quantity of publications in Germany than in the US — in the US a few really top publications will have a substantial impact, whereas a Lebenslauf full of numerous 3rd tier publications will be considered ok. There is less recognition of the quality-quantity tradeoff in Germany, although one hopes that may be changing.

In Germany, a Ruf is nothing more than an invitation to bargain. It carries no offer, per se, of salary or anything else. And by design, the candidate is the first mover. They must send to the university a list of expectations on salary and Ausstattung, or equipment (but really more… see below). Either after, or simultaneous to, to the submission of salary and equipment, a meeting will be set up between the candidate and various administrators within the administration. Meeting in person is mandatory. It occupies a huge amount of time for both candidates, but also for the members of the administration who must prepare the counter offers prior to the meetings.

Overall, the German system seems ill-equipped to deal with spousal hires (even to the extent that some folks think it is corrupt for a university to offer a spouse a position). German academia is extremely sexist (reflecting, perhaps, the society in general), and this causes a lot of resistance to hiring couples in certain quarters.

Hier ist der Link des Blogs von David Jaeger und seiner Frau Alison.

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