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Pop-Lyrics VII

I like sleeping with Marie.
She is one sexy girl, full of mystery.
She says she doesn’t love me, but she likes my company.
For now, that’s good enough for me.

Colin HayBeautiful World

Review: Avril Lavigne – Goodbye Lullaby

Avril Lavigne

Avril Live!
By .Storm,
used under cc license

I remember when I bought Avril Lavigne’s first album in 2003. It was in Wuhan, China, and I listened to it on the bus drive to our next stop. It was much better than I expected. Energetic, powerful and most of all authentic. I don’t know if Avril wrote the songs herself, but it sure felt like she did, like she was singing about her own experiences and that’s what made me like it. Unfortunately, I can’t say the same for her latest album. It just does not feel “real”. Too much “Girlfriend”, too little “Complicated”. There are no really bad songs on the album, but also hardy any good ones. “What The Hell” made it to my spring playlist, but barely. Besides that, no other song stuck with me. Too generic, too much pabulum, too much blaw. Only 2.5 stars (Review Ratings).

Review: Taylor Swift – Speak Now

Taylor Swift by David Shankbone 2010 NYC

Taylor Swift

Ok, so apparently, I like Country now (although if I did not know better, I would simply call it Pop). Anyway, I really liked her hit “Love Story” a couple of years back, so I tried out Taylor Swift’s new album “Speak Now” (in what generally appears to be a “back-to-the-mainstream”-year for me, a trend started by the shutdown of my favorite indie music blog). And Ms. Swift does not disappoint. “Speak Now” features several up-tempo songs that made it high on my play-lists the lasts months, highlighted by my two favorites “Long Live” and “Story of Us”. Among the ballads, “Dear John” and “Back To December” stand out, the first one apparently the musical reckoning of her relationship with musician John Mayer – some juicy stuff, if I may add. What really surprised me about the album is that Swift did not only get down the musical part – diversified, yet distinct in style, generally up-beat, never boring – but that she also produced lyrics that are clever, honest and believable. It may not always be high poetry, but the lyrics go much deeper than you might expect from your typical Country song. To me (and my surprise), one of the best albums I listened to in years. 4.5 stars! (Review Ratings)
